
the world's most annoying clockmaker

15 Aug 2024

— You’re doing a great job as head clockmaker. But unfortunately, sales are down this quarter. People just aren’t buying clocks like they used to.

— Hm, I figured this would happen.

— How so? People love clocks.

— But clocks are boring now. Old news. What we’re making is barely a step above the sundial.

— I suppose you're right. We could freshen things up with something new.

— How about this? The grandfather clock. It’s a clock that’s just like your grandfather.

— It smokes cigars and tells me I’m a disappointment?

— No, it rings a loud bell every hour. Even when you’re sleeping. Just like my grandfather.

— Was your grandfather a haunted ferryman?

— And it would be big. Too big, some would say. This isn’t a clock you put on the wall. You have to dedicate a whole corner to the grandfather clock.

— I see.

— And it doesn’t have to just be grandfather clocks. We could make a grandmother clock, an uncle clock, a distant cousin clock.

— I’m not so sure.

— You’re right. It would dilute the market. We should just make the big, loud grandfather clock.

— Let’s think of something else.

— Okay, what about this? Complete opposite of the grandfather clock—a tiny clock that you can carry around.

— That’s good! You could strap it to your wrist.

— I was thinking it goes in your pocket. And it’s connected to a chain, so you can choke someone out with it if it comes down to it.

— So it’s a weapon?

— Only if it comes down to it.

— Huh. What if we just take our current clock, and make the woodworking a bit more interesting.

— Like utterly insane?

— Maybe just a nice design.

— Or a crazy design? A design that makes you go mad when you look at it. Or dare I say, cuckoo?

— What?

— I’ve had this idea bouncing around called the cuckoo clock. Every hour a bird jumps out of the clock and screams at you. And you’re like, what the—oh, it’s just my clock.

— Wouldn’t that get annoying?

— Well it doesn’t have to be a bird. It could also be a bunch of dancing Germans that come out. That’s pretty cuckoo too if you ask me.

— Would people want that?

— Clockmaking isn’t about giving people what they want. It’s about giving them what they need.

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