metal detectors are great, but here are some other detectors i want to see
30 Apr 2024metal detectors are great, but here are some other detectors i want to see
30 Apr 2024"Youth is fleeting, so you might as well start acting old now. That’s why I decided to buy myself a metal detector."
"Youth is fleeting, so you might as well start acting..."
the eclipse may be over, but i'm not done using these glasses
9 Apr 2024the eclipse may be over, but i'm not done using these glasses
9 Apr 2024"The worst part about glasses is that you always have to throw them away. It doesn’t matter what kind—they just don’t last."
"The worst part about glasses is that you always have..."
the mystery of stonehenge
3 Apr 2024the mystery of stonehenge
3 Apr 2024"Some historians say Stonehenge was a sort of calendar. I don’t know what kind of calendars these historians are looking at, but I’ve never seen one made of rocks. So I think it’s safe to rule that one out."
"Some historians say Stonehenge was a sort of calendar. I don’t..."
i found the end of a rainbow even though rainbow science says it's impossible
17 March 2024i found the end of a rainbow even though rainbow science says it's impossible
17 March 2024"For me, the best part of rainbows is the gold at the end. I think having a bunch of gold is better than having a bunch of beauty. It’s like I always say, 'I’d rather be rich and ugly than poor and ugly.'"
"For me, the best part of rainbows is the gold..."
julius caesar revises the roman calendar
29 Feb 2024julius caesar revises the roman calendar
29 Feb 2024"Well, look at our calendar. There are only ten months. And then there’s this sort of limbo period where we stop caring about months. And then we go right back into months again."
"Well, look at our calendar. There are only ten months."