the struggles of being a butler
3 Nov 2022the struggles of being a butler
3 Nov 2022"Ever since I was a child I’ve always found myself wearing a suit and dangling a large napkin over my arm. And I’m pretty good at having an old man beat me over the head with a cane whenever I make a mistake."
"Ever since I was a child I’ve always found myself wearing..."
my terrible halloween party experience
27 Oct 2022my terrible halloween party experience
27 Oct 2022"Finally I stood up on the coffee table and made an out-of-character announcement. I yelled, “I’m a mummy.” I expected some “ohhh’s” as people finally understood, but the only person who said anything was Ron. He said, 'Get off my coffee table.'"
"Finally I stood up on the coffee table and made an..."
8 ways to be a better person
20 Oct 20228 ways to be a better person
20 Oct 2022"So last Halloween I couldn’t remember if the phrase “like taking candy from a baby” meant something was really easy or really hard. I don’t have kids so I didn’t really have a scope of reference on how strong or clever babies are."
"So last Halloween I couldn’t remember if the phrase “like taking..."
a guided meditation
13 Oct 2022a guided meditation
13 Oct 2022"Imagine being greeted at the spring by a scary shadow guy in a hooded robe. Where did he come from? Imagine he has a voice that sounds just like yours. Imagine he is saying words that sort of sound like English, but more like some sort of evil version of English."
"Imagine being greeted at the spring by a scary shadow guy..."
she's not like the other girls
5 Oct 2022she's not like the other girls
5 Oct 2022"She’s got a good head on her shoulders. Like sometimes I’ll ask her to go see a movie with me, and she’ll curse me. She’s always saying moving pictures are witchcraft and if we watch one we’ll receive eternal damnation."
"She’s got a good head on her shoulders. Like sometimes I’ll..."